Sunday, July 10, 2011

Of change

The Being is in a constant state of flux. You deal with matters every day, but the way you do that varies, both from moment to moment, and day to day. How often did you leave work exhausted from trying to crack a problem, only to come back next morning and move on from that point within the first few minutes? (Don't worry even if this never happened to you, because it can)

What does this imply about you, about all of us, and mankind in general?

It means our perceived productivity is merely an illusion. Now, am I going too far in saying that? I'll let you decide, but hear me out first

The way we think of ourselves, is shaped by the way our opinions are considered by others. It is shaped by how our work is received by the world. In many cases, the world is very discerning in what it chooses to be good or the best among the works, but it is not always the case. Many a talent has been nipped in the bud by inattentive teachers in overcrowded classrooms. See, how circumstance plays out?

Life is a big, complex chain reaction. And the sequence is set into motion for you perhaps even before you were born on this earth. And how can you control what came before you were born? And how about after? At 1 year of age, of 2, 3, 4, 5 ....?

Your influence increases so very gradually, and even that, based on many conditions, that may or may not come into being.

So that leads me to ask, who are those people gloating things like "you make your own destiny"? The answer, according to me, is that they are the people who never encountered the restricting circumstances at crucial times of their lives that shaped their destiny. Yes, they may present a thousand bad conditions to prove me otherwise, but it will still be true that their circumstances WERE kind to them at important points, and without such gracious providence they WOULD NOT be here gloating about their exploits

Ok, enough rants. What I want to say, really, is that no matter where you are in life, if you can read this, you do have sufficient influence in your life over your circumstance. And circumstance IS capable of changing in an instant, based on good, correct and informed decision making


  1. I agree that we are rarely if ever in full control of our circumstances, and if at any moment we appear to be, our situation can change in the blink of an eye. The control we do have is to make the best of whatever those circumstances happen to be, and that is quite significant.

  2. We control our responses to these circumstances, our inner workings (emotionally, spiritually, mentally) in regard to the circumstances and we control our attitudes in relation to the circumstances circumstances. One can always choose their destiny bcuz one can always choose their perception & attitude when these situations arise. You choose how to think of it and how to handle it. Don't let circumstances control you simply bcuz other influences exist. This is why a saying such as "stay above the influence" exists!

  3. Sometimes life can be like juggling eggs while walking on marbles, and sometimes it's like buttah! Floating along as smooth as can be. There are times I can handle anything that's thrown at me, and times I go to pieces over a broken nail. It's a good thing when the buttah and the indomitable attitude come together. When they don't all you can do is wing it and hope for the best.

  4. I think that some people are born with "a fire in the belly, " and no matter what the external circumstances are, they will find a way to succeed. The results of success may not be what we expect, but success will manifest due to their attitude. Sadly, many do not have that internal strength and are beaten down by their environment. It helps to have a spiritual practice to sustain the internal strength as well.
