It is well established that nothing travels faster than light. Yet, there have been explanations for certain things that HAVE travelled faster than light -- that heavenly bodies moved apart from each other because the universe expanded so rapidly..
If such is the case, an object at one time, may give out light from point A, and the light from A will reach us at some time T. How about the object itself? Since it was travelling faster than light, it changed its position even before the light started to travel a short way, and was continuously emitting more light as it travelled. Now, how would that appear to us?
The answer is, it would appear as if someone is using the sky as a blackboard, and writing something on it. That is, IF we were watching at precisely the moment T. If not, we would see the blackboard AFTER it had been written on, and if we watch after some more time, we might catch the line on the blackboard as it is being erased. In any case, it would seem like a phenomenal sight to see
Then why dont we (I mean hubble etc) see these?
I would say it is because the "big bang" explosion happened more than 13 Bn years ago, and in this time we have reached so far from the original point, that the writings on the blackboard are too small for our telescopes to see
It could get interesting, if and when they put something else out there more capable..